Sonada is a Tibetan refugee village located in the Himalayas in northeastern India. There are approximately 260 Tibetan refugee children in the village.


Kerstin Blomberg came to Sonada in 1972 to work as a nurse. She started an infirmary, worked in the school, helped start a craft center and more.

Kerstin Blomberg has since supported the people in the village and has also helped arrange sponsors for the Tibetan children.

Sonada's friends is a non-profit association formed to support the Tibetan refugee children in Sonada.

Contributions are gratefully received at Sonada's Vänner's plusgiro account 44 94 40-7

The membership fee is SEK 100 per year. Pay /become a member/ on plusgiro account 44 94 40 – 7

For more information contact Kerstin Blomberg

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